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About the Author

Amonte Profet is an alchemist who has studied alchemy and the theory of alchemy for over 20 years. He has compiled a vast amount of information regarding the Philosopher's Stone and Alchemy. All of this info containing the secret ingredient and how to create the philosopher's Stone can be read in his 203 page e-book called "The Mysterious and Elusive Secret Ingredient Finally Revealed!".

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Throughout history this secret has been used by very few alchemists to extend their lives hundreds of years in perfect health, with access to unlimited wealth, among many other miraculous properties.

Some kept the secret because they understood that the time was not right for the secret to be free for all people, but most kept the secret out of their own jealousy, ignorance, egotism and corruption.

The Stone's history and the history of the human race up until this day is a strange story full of secret societies, hooded cloaks, and mystical symbols. Such theatrics are childish and shallow. It's pointless to look for the light in the shadows. The Philosopher's Stone operates and is made by entirely natural and scientific means.


Truth is always simple, beautiful and easy to understand. The Philosopher's Stone is real; you can make it at home. The Stone makes old people young, heals all forms of sickness and disease, extends your life, turns any metal into gold, and more, as you will learn. This isn't a myth or a metaphor, it's a fact.

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